Source code for standardfile.cryptography

# Copyright (c) 2018 Stephen Bunn <>
# MIT License <>

import hmac
import base64
import hashlib
import secrets
import binascii

import attr
from Crypto.Cipher import AES

from . import exceptions
from .item import Item, String
from .auth import UserAuth

[docs]@attr.s class Cryptographer(object): """The cryptographer class namespace. """ preferred_version = "002" @classmethod def _unpad(cls, content: bytes) -> bytes: """Unpad a AES decrypted content. :param content: The content to unpad :type content: bytes :return: Unpadded content :rtype: bytes """ return content[: -ord(content[len(content) - 1 :])] @classmethod def _pad(cls, content: bytes) -> bytes: """Pad a AES encrypted content. :param content: The content to pad :type content: bytes :return: Padded content :rtype: bytes """ block_padding = AES.block_size - len(content) % AES.block_size return content + (chr(block_padding) * block_padding).encode() @classmethod def _encryption_type2( cls, content: str, uuid: str, version: str, encryption_key: bytes, auth_key: bytes, ) -> String: """Encrypt using the second type of encryption for some content. """ iv = secrets.token_bytes(128 // 8) string_iv = binascii.b2a_hex(iv).decode() cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv) cipher_text = base64.b64encode( cipher.encrypt(cls._pad(content.encode())) ).decode() auth_hash = auth_key, msg=":".join([version, uuid, string_iv, cipher_text]).encode(), digestmod=hashlib.sha256, ).hexdigest() return String.from_string( ":".join([version, auth_hash, uuid, string_iv, cipher_text]) ) @classmethod def _decryption_type2( cls, string: String, encryption_key: bytes, auth_key: bytes ) -> str: """Decrypt using for the second type of encryption for a string. """ local_hash = auth_key, msg=":".join( [string.version, string.uuid, string.iv, string.cipher_text] ).encode(), digestmod=hashlib.sha256, ).hexdigest() if local_hash != string.auth_hash: raise exceptions.TamperDetected( ( f"local hash {local_hash!r} does not match string " f"authentication hash {string.auth_hash!r}" ) ) cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, binascii.a2b_hex(string.iv)) return cls._unpad(cipher.decrypt(base64.b64decode(string.cipher_text))).decode() @classmethod def _decrypt_002( cls, string: String, encryption_key: bytes, auth_key: bytes ) -> str: """Decryption version 002 of a string. """ return cls._decryption_type2(string, encryption_key, auth_key) @classmethod def _encrypt_002( cls, content: str, uuid: str, encryption_key: bytes, auth_key: bytes ) -> String: """Encryption version 002 of some content. """ return cls._encryption_type2(content, uuid, "002", encryption_key, auth_key) @classmethod def _decrypt_003( cls, string: String, encryption_key: bytes, auth_key: bytes ) -> str: """Decryption version 003 of a string. """ return cls._decryption_type2(string, encryption_key, auth_key) @classmethod def _encrypt_003( cls, content: str, uuid: str, encryption_key: bytes, auth_key: bytes ) -> String: """Encryption version 003 of some content. """ return cls._encryption_type2(content, uuid, "003", encryption_key, auth_key)
[docs] @classmethod def decrypt(cls, string: String, encryption_key: bytes, auth_key: bytes) -> str: """Decrypts a string using a encryption and authentication key. :param string: The string to decrypt :type string: String :param encryption_key: The encryption key to use :type encryption_key: bytes :param auth_key: The authentication key to use :type auth_key: bytes :raises ValueError: If the string version is not supported :return: The decrypted string :rtype: str """ decrypter = getattr(cls, f"_decrypt_{string.version}", None) if not decrypter: raise ValueError(f"unsupported encryption version {string.version!r}") return decrypter(string, encryption_key, auth_key)
[docs] @classmethod def encrypt( cls, content: str, uuid: str, encryption_key: bytes, auth_key: bytes ) -> String: """Encrypts a string using a encryption and authentication key. :param content: The content to encrypt :type content: str :param uuid: The desired uuid string of the new content :type uuid: str :param encryption_key: The encryption key to use :type encryption_key: bytes :param auth_key: The authentication key to use :type auth_key: bytes :raises ValueError: If the preferred version is not supported :return: The resulting string instance :rtype: String """ encrypter = getattr(cls, f"_encrypt_{cls.preferred_version}", None) if not encrypter: raise ValueError( f"unsupported encryption version {cls.preferred_version!r}" ) return encrypter(content, uuid, encryption_key, auth_key)